Unexpected What We Talk About… hits comedy, drama, and everything in between at The Old Globe
Relational dynamics and fundamental differences of opinion regarding faith and family are under examination in the quick-paced Nathan Englander play What We Talk About When We Talk About Anne Frank, playing at San Diego’s Old Globe Theatre through October 23.
This cast, directed by Barry Edelstein, is comprised of a Hasidic couple visiting from Israel (Mark, introduced to us as Yerucham, and his wife Lauren/Shoshana) and a secular couple living in Miami (Debbie and Phil) as well as their son (Trevor). In the show, Shoshana and Yuri have just arrived in south Florida for a short visit, the impetus behind which appears to be well-timed Facebook stalking on Debbie’s part but, despite a long-held friendship, discontent and disagreement are brewing.
Read more at SanDiegoStory.com.
