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The Craft & The Community: CCAE Theatricals' 'The Curious Incident...'

I was thrilled to have a chance to interview some fellow audience members from this weekend's matinee of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. This play, based on the first person narrative by Mark Haddon, weaves a complex and creative tale that is being brought to life on the CCAE Theatricals stage.

Let's hear what folks had to say about this limited run production:

My thoughts?

  • This production is handled so intentionally, integrating tech in a way that is meaningful - critical, even - to the storytelling, from the yellow LED lights to static to projections.

  • Every choreographic sequence has been carefully planned and meticulously delivered. The movement is just stunning.

  • It is evident that this show requires a full cast and crew commitment for every moment, every movement, every time. Kudos to the team for putting such an ambitious production on the CCAE stage!

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time must close March 3.


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